locating hydrothermal quartz

Trace element chemistry of hydrothermal quartz and its
2020.11.1 Trace element concentration and distribution in hydrothermal quartz from the giant Xikuangshan and Woxi Sb deposits in southern China have been investigated
The geochemistry, origin, and hydrothermal alteration mapping ...
2023.9.12 The alteration minerals including sericite, kaolinite, epidote, quartz, dolomite, calcite, chlorite, and muscovite are widespread in the low temperature of the
Trace element signature of hydrothermal quartz: a
2022.12.10 This study shows that quartz trace elements can be used as a useful proxy for tracing the evolution of the hydrothermal fluids in different types of ore deposits and are also a useful auxiliary tool to
Identifying hydrothermal quartz vein generations in the
2021.1.1 In this contribution, we have documented CL textures of distinct quartz grains, recognized the FIAs characteristics of different quartz generations, and mapped
Multistage hydrothermal quartz veins record the ore
2021.4.1 The Meiling Cu–Zn (Au) deposit, located in the center of the southeastern Kalatag district in the eastern Tianshan, NW China, is characterized by multistage ore
Quantifying Hydrothermal Alteration: A Review of
2018.7.3 This review focuses on hydrothermal alteration—chemical and mineralogical changes induced by moderate to high temperature mineralising fluids (300–350 °C for orogenic gold deposits, for example [
2022.9.1 Hydrothermal quartz has progressively lower Li and Al concentrations that are dominated by fluid-rock reactions and cooling along fluid pathways. Quartz evolves
11. Hydrothermal Alteration - USGS Publications Warehouse
new hydrothermal minerals. In the extreme case of stringer zones immediately underlying massive sulfide deposits, it is not unusual to find massively altered rock that consists of
The geochemistry, origin, and hydrothermal alteration mapping ...
2023.9.12 Hydrothermal alteration sometimes makes the precise distinction of the igneous minerals very difficult. However, subhedral forms and corrosion traits
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